** MST(Minimum Spanning Tree)

l  Spanning Tree: acyclic connected subgraph containing all nodes


l  MST: a spanning tree with weight less than or equal to the weight of every other spanning tree

l  Kruskal’s algorithm : G(V,E):O(|E|*log|E|)    * Prim’s algorithm

1.     Create a new graph T with the same vertices as G, but no edges (yet)

{1} {2}  {3} {4}  {5}

{1,2}   {3,4}    {5}

{1,2} {3,5} {4}

{1,2,3,5} {4}


1.     Make a list of all the edges in G.

2.     Sort the edges by weight, from lowest to highest

3.     Iterate through the edges in sorted order

For each edge(u,w): If u and w are not connected by a path in T, add (u,w) to T

O(log|E|) using disjointed sets

'프로그래밍 > 자료구조' 카테고리의 다른 글

graph  (0) 2016.12.18
Selection  (0) 2016.12.18
sorting  (0) 2016.12.18
Bionomial heap  (0) 2016.12.18
splay tree  (0) 2016.12.17

** Graph Traversal

l  DFS(Depth-First Search)

Void dfs(vertex u){



      for(each vertex v such that (u,v) E){





l  BFS(Breadth-First Search)

void BFS(vertex u){



      q=new Queue();


      while(q is not empty){


                 for (each vertex w s.t (v,w)E){





                           } //end of if



** Quick-Union with an array for disjoint sets

{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9}

0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9










l  Union-by-size

l  Find


Int find(int x){

      If(array[x] < 0){ return x;}



                 Return array[x];








void union ( int root1, int root2){









** If we use union-by-size, a single find operation can take O(log u) worst-case time, where u is the number of union operations that took place prior to the find.

'프로그래밍 > 자료구조' 카테고리의 다른 글

MST  (0) 2016.12.18
Selection  (0) 2016.12.18
sorting  (0) 2016.12.18
Bionomial heap  (0) 2016.12.18
splay tree  (0) 2016.12.17

-      find the k-th smallest key in a list

** quickselect(index j)


-      modification of quicksort

-      θ(n) average-case time complexity

1.     start with an unsorted list I of n input items

2.     choose a pivot item v from I

3.     Partition I into unsorted lists I1, I2 and Iv like quicksort

4.     If (j<=|I1|){

Recursively find the item with index j in I1;

Return it;

}else if(j<=|I1|+|Iv|){

      Return the pivot v;


      Recursively find the item with index j-|I1|-|Iv| in I2;

      Return it;    


'프로그래밍 > 자료구조' 카테고리의 다른 글

MST  (0) 2016.12.18
graph  (0) 2016.12.18
sorting  (0) 2016.12.18
Bionomial heap  (0) 2016.12.18
splay tree  (0) 2016.12.17

1. Insertion sorting (O(n^2))


2. Selection sort(O(n^2))


배열의 0번쨰 요소부터 끝까지

0 1~N 까지 요소와 비교하면서 최솟값을 넣느다

i i+1~N까지랑 비교하면서 최솟(댓)값으로 하나씩 채워나감

3. Heap Sort



Your program reads its inputs from the input file “heapsort.in”, and outputs its output to the output file “heapsort.out”. In heapsort.in, the first line includes a list containing the elements to be sorted. In heapsort.out, you have to print out the structure of the binary heap used in the heapsort using inorder(I) traversal and preorder(P) traversal whenever the binary heap is changed. Finally, the last line outputs a sorted list of elements. Note that you have to use letter I, P, and O to denote inorder traversal, preorder traversal, and output, respectively.



4 7 5 8



I 4

P 4

I 7 4

P 4 7

I 7 4 5

P 4 7 5

I 8 7 4 5

P 4 7 8 5

I 7 5 8

P 5 7 8

I 8 7

P 7 8

I 8

P 8

O 4 5 7 8

char _arr[1000],temp,cnt;
void inorder(int *arr, int x);
void preorder(int *arr, int x);
void insert(int *arr, int x);
void _sort(int *arr);
int main(){
	int temp,n,in[10000],len=1,sort[10000],loc=0;
	freopen("heapsort.in", "rb", stdin);
	freopen("heapsort.out", "w", stdout);
	while (1){
		temp = scanf("%d", &n);
		if (temp == -1)
			in[len++] = n;
			insert(in, len-1);
		cnt = 0;
		printf("I ");
		for (int j = 0; j < len-1; j++)
			printf("%d ", _arr[j]);
		cnt = 0;
		printf("P ");
		for (int j = 0; j < len-1; j++)
			printf("%d ", _arr[j]);
	for (int j = len - 1; j > 0; j--){
		sort[loc++] = in[1];
		in[1] = in[j];
		in[j] = -1;
		if (j == 1)break;
		printf("I ");
		cnt = 0;
		for (int l = 0; l < cnt; l++)
			printf("%d ", _arr[l]);
		printf("\nP ");
		cnt = 0;
		for (int l = 0; l < cnt; l++)
			printf("%d ", _arr[l]);
	printf("O ");
	for (int j = 0; j < len - 1; j++)
		printf("%d ", sort[j]);
void _sort(int *arr)
	int temp, i = 1, j;
	while (1)
		if (arr[i * 2] < 0 )break;
		if (arr[i * 2 + 1] < 0)
			j = i * 2;
		else if (arr[i * 2] < arr[i * 2 + 1]){
			j = i * 2;
			j = i * 2+1;
		if (arr[i]>arr[j])
			temp = arr[i];
			arr[i] = arr[j];
			arr[j] = temp;
			i = j;
void insert(int *arr, int x){
	while (x != 1){
		if (arr[x / 2] > arr[x]){
			temp = arr[x];
			arr[x] = arr[x / 2];
			arr[x / 2] = temp;
void inorder(int *arr,int x){
	if (arr[x]>0){
		_arr[cnt++] = arr[x];
void preorder(int *arr, int x){
	if (arr[x] > 0){
		_arr[cnt++] = arr[x];
		preorder(arr, 2 * x);
		preorder(arr, 2 * x + 1);

4.merge sort(O(nlogn))


1. start with the unsorted list I of n input items

2. Break Z into two halves Z1 and Z2, having [n/2] and items

3. Sort I1 recursively, yielding the sorted list s1

4. sort I2 recursively, yielding the sorted list s2

5. Merge s1 and s2 into a sorted list S=>O(n)



Merge algorithm

1.Let q1 and q2 be two sorted queues.

2.while (neither q1 nor q2 is empty){



move the smaller of item1 and item2 from its present queue to the end of q


3. concatenate the remaining non-empty queue(q1 or q2) to the end of q

Complexity of Mergesort

Recurrence relation











5. quick sort


** Quicksort on arrays

-the fastest known

Comparison-based sort for arrays

-(O(n^2) worst-case running time

-- O(nlogn) average-case running time


6. Bucker sort(linear time sort)



-the number of items : n

-the range of keys : [0, q-1]

-time complexity : θ(q+n)

           * if qO(n), θ(q+n)= θ(n)


Ex) q=8, n=8

           Input : (6:a),(7:b),(3:c),(0:d),(3:e)--key,(1:f),(5:g),(0:h)


** we need a pointer to find the end of a list in O(1)

Output : (0:d)(0:h)(1:f)(3:c)(3:e)(5:g)(6:a)(7:b)


*Bucket sort is said to be “stable”.

-- A sort is stable, if items with equal keys come out in the same order in the output as they appeared in the input

7. comparison based sort

'프로그래밍 > 자료구조' 카테고리의 다른 글

graph  (0) 2016.12.18
Selection  (0) 2016.12.18
Bionomial heap  (0) 2016.12.18
splay tree  (0) 2016.12.17
RedBlack tree  (0) 2016.12.17


-- merge : merge two binomial trees of the same order

l  To mearge two binomial heaps is analogous to the binary addition of the sizes of the two heaps

l  Insert

1.     Create a new heap containing only this element

2.     Merge the new heap with the original heap

l  Find –min

-      Use a pointer : O(1)

l  Delete – min

1.     Find the root containing min

2.     Remove the root from its binomial tree, and obtain a list of its subtrees

3.     Transform this list of subtrees into a separate binomial heap

4.     Merge the new heap with the original heap except the removed binomial tree

l  Decrese –key

 The same as the binary heap

'프로그래밍 > 자료구조' 카테고리의 다른 글

Selection  (0) 2016.12.18
sorting  (0) 2016.12.18
splay tree  (0) 2016.12.17
RedBlack tree  (0) 2016.12.17
가볍게 보는 tree의 시간복잡도  (0) 2016.12.17

splay tree simulation


-      Run in O(logn) time on average

시간 복잡도는 평균 log n

-      Any single operation can take theta(n)  time in the worst case

어떠한 연산도 theta(n)시간 안에 처리

-      Any sequence of k splay tree operations, with the tree initially empty and never exceeding n items, takes O(klogn) worst-case time

어떠한 연속된 k splay 트리 연산도 klogn안에 연산

-      Simpler, faster, easier to program

간단하고 빠르고 쉽다 프로그램한테

-      Fast access to entries that have been accessed recently

최근에 접근했던 entry들에 빠르게 접근

-      The most widely used basic data structure invented in the last 30 years

가장 범융적으로 쓰이는 자료구조 30년전에 만든,

-      Used in windows NT(in the virtual memory networking), the gcc compiler, GNU c++ library, unix malloc

windows NT, gcc컴파일러, GNU c++ 라이브러리 , unix malloc에 사용


1.     We walk down the tree until w e  find the entry with the key k, or reach a dead end.

2.     Let x be the node where the search ended, whether it contains the key k or not.

3.     We splay X up the tree through a sequence of rotations, so that X becomes the root of the tree.

-recently accessed entries are near the root of the tree

-improve the balance along the branch of the tree


3 case for splaying


1.     Insert k just like in an ordinary binary search tree

2.     Splay the new node to the root



1.     Remove k just like in an ordinary binary search tree

2.     Let x be the node removed from the tree

3.     Splay x’s parent to the root


Your program reads its inputs from the input file “splay.in”, and outputs its output to the output file “splay.out”. In splay.in, there are two operations; insert(I) and find(F). For instance, “I 0” means, you have to insert “0”into the splay tree. Then, you have to print out the modified splay tree using inorder(I) traversal and preorder(P) traversal. In the below example, there are six insert operations and one find operation. You have to print out the modified splay tree after each operation using two traversal algorithms.




I 0

I 1

I 2

I 3

I 4

I 5

F 1



I 0

P 0


I 0 1

P 1 0


I 0 1 2

P 2 1 0


I 0 1 2 3

P 3 2 1 0


I 0 1 2 3 4

P 4 3 2 1 0

typedef struct tree_node{
	int data;
	struct tree_node *left_child, *right_child,*parent;
}*tree_pointer;					//트리 구조체 선언 
tree_pointer tree;
tree_pointer x;
tree_pointer p, pp;
int arr[1000],cnt=0;
void inorder(tree_pointer ptr);
void preorder(tree_pointer ptr);
tree_pointer insert(tree_pointer tr, int n);
tree_pointer left_rotation(tree_pointer tr);
tree_pointer right_rotation(tree_pointer tr);
tree_pointer splay(tree_pointer object);
tree_pointer find(int n,tree_pointer tr);
int main(){
	FILE *fin = fopen("splay.in", "rb");
	FILE *fout = fopen("splay.out", "w");
	char instruct;
	int n,temp;
	int i = 0;
	tree_pointer k;
	tree = (tree_pointer)malloc(sizeof(struct tree_node));
	while (1){
		temp = fscanf(fin, "%c %d\r", &instruct, &n);
		if (temp == -1)
		if (instruct == 'I'){
			if (i == 1){
				tree->data = n;
				tree->left_child = NULL; tree->right_child = NULL; tree->parent = NULL;
				k = insert(tree, n);		//insert해준후
				tree = splay(k);			//splay를 해주는데 splay를 하면 루트노드가 바뀌기 떄문에 루트노드를 return값으로 주었다.
		else if (instruct == 'F'){
			k = find(n,tree);				//마찬가지로 find하고
			tree = splay(k);				//splay해준다 
			fprintf(fout,"WRONG INPUT");
		cnt = 0;
		inorder(tree);						//inorder preorder 으로 프린트하는 코드이다. 
		fprintf(fout,"I ");
		for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
			fprintf(fout, "%d ", arr[j]);
		fprintf(fout, "\n");
		cnt = 0;
		fprintf(fout,"P ");
		for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
			fprintf(fout, "%d ", arr[j]);
		fprintf(fout, "\n\n");

void inorder(tree_pointer ptr){				//그동안 많이 했던 inorder알고릐즘!
	if (ptr){
		if (ptr->data != -1) arr[cnt++] = ptr->data;
void preorder(tree_pointer ptr){			//preorder알고리즘!!
	if (ptr){
		if (ptr->data != -1) arr[cnt++] = ptr->data;

tree_pointer insert(tree_pointer tr, char n){  //insert해주는 코드 AVL트리짤때랑 똑같이 짰다
	if (tr == NULL)
		x->data = n;
		x->left_child = NULL;
		x->right_child = NULL;
		tr = x;
		return x;
		if (n < tr->data)
			if (tr->left_child == NULL){
				x = (tree_pointer)malloc(sizeof(struct tree_node));
				x->parent = tr;
			tr->left_child = insert(tr->left_child, n);
			if (tr->right_child == NULL){
				x = (tree_pointer)malloc(sizeof(struct tree_node));
				x->parent = tr;											//parent를 넣어주기 위해 여기에 malloc 코드를 짰다. 
			tr->right_child = insert(tr->right_child, n);
tree_pointer splay(tree_pointer object){
	if (object->parent == NULL){
		return object;
		if (object->parent->parent == NULL){			//move to root rotation
			if (object->parent->right_child == object){
				object = right_rotation(object);
				object = left_rotation(object);
			p = object->parent;
			pp = p->parent;
			if (pp->right_child == p&&p->right_child == object){	//zigzig	object->parent부터 로테이션을 돌리고 object를 rotation 돌린다. 
				p = right_rotation(p);
				object = right_rotation(object);
			else if (pp->left_child == p &&p->left_child == object){	//zigzig
				p = left_rotation(p);
				object = left_rotation(object);
			else{														//zigzag	object로테이션을 두번해준다!
				if (object->parent->right_child == object){
					object = right_rotation(object);
					object = left_rotation(object);
					object = left_rotation(object);
					object = right_rotation(object);
		object = splay(object);
	return object;

tree_pointer left_rotation(tree_pointer tr){		//left rotation 코드이다 tr과 tr->parent의 성분을 적절하게 바꾸어 줬다. 
	x = tr->right_child;
	tr->right_child = tr->parent;
	tr->right_child->left_child = x;
	tr->parent = tr->right_child->parent;
	tr->right_child->parent = tr;
	if (tr->parent == NULL)
		return tr;
	else if (tr->parent->right_child == tr->right_child)
		tr->parent->right_child = tr;
		tr->parent->left_child = tr;
	return tr;
tree_pointer right_rotation(tree_pointer tr){		//마찬가지로 left rotation과 비슷한 right rotation 코드
	x = tr->left_child;
	tr->left_child = tr->parent;
	tr->left_child->right_child = x;
	tr->parent = tr->left_child->parent;
	tr->left_child->parent = tr;
	if (tr->parent == NULL)
		return tr;
	else if (tr->parent->right_child == tr->left_child)
		tr->parent->right_child = tr;
		tr->parent->left_child = tr;
	return tr;
tree_pointer find(int n,tree_pointer tr){			//루트붜 내려가면서 data가 n 인 노드를 찾는다. 
	if (tr->data == n){
		return tr;
	else if (tr->data > n){
		find(n, tr->left_child);
	else if (tr->data < n){
		find(n, tr->right_child);

'프로그래밍 > 자료구조' 카테고리의 다른 글

sorting  (0) 2016.12.18
Bionomial heap  (0) 2016.12.18
RedBlack tree  (0) 2016.12.17
가볍게 보는 tree의 시간복잡도  (0) 2016.12.17
2-3-4 tree  (0) 2016.12.17

represent 2-3-4 trees as BST with red&black nodes

Red&Black node로 BST(binary search tree)같은 2-3-4트리를 구현할 수 있다.

root always black

루트는 항상 black

-never two red nodes in a row

한열에 두개의 red node가 있을 수 없다

-For each node, all simple paths from the node to descendent leaves contain the same number of black nodes

각 노드에 대하여 노드에서 자식 leave까지의 simple path에는 동일 한 수의 black node가 포함된다

2-3-4 tree    ->    red black tre

동그라미 두번친게 red node

black height

1. Insertion : insert as a red node

Case 1) z=red, z.p=red, y=red

Case 2) z=red, z.p=red y=black

Case3) z=red, z.p=red, y=black

Case4) z=red zp=black z=root

정리 더 잘된 블로그 ㅠ



'프로그래밍 > 자료구조' 카테고리의 다른 글

sorting  (0) 2016.12.18
Bionomial heap  (0) 2016.12.18
splay tree  (0) 2016.12.17
가볍게 보는 tree의 시간복잡도  (0) 2016.12.17
2-3-4 tree  (0) 2016.12.17

RB: Red Black tree

'프로그래밍 > 자료구조' 카테고리의 다른 글

sorting  (0) 2016.12.18
Bionomial heap  (0) 2016.12.18
splay tree  (0) 2016.12.17
RedBlack tree  (0) 2016.12.17
2-3-4 tree  (0) 2016.12.17

-every node has 2, 3, or 4 childeren except leaves

모든 노드는 2~4개의 자식을 가진다 leaves제외.

- all leaves are at the bottom level of the tree

모든 leaves는 tree의 가장 bottom level에 있다.



1)    Whenever insert encounter a 3-key node, the middle key is ejected and is placed in the parent node

insert가 3-key노드를 만날때마다 중간 키가 꺼내져서 parent노드로 간다

2)    If the root is a 3-key node, a new node is created

(To make sure there’s room for the new key in the left node.)

root가 3-key node일때 새 노드가 만들어진다


1)    When remove encounters a 1-key node (except the root) it tries to steal a key from an adjacent sibling

만난 1-key node(root제외)를 제거할때 인접한 형제로부터 key를 가져온다.

2)    If no adjacent sibling has more than one key, the 1-key node steals a key from its parent The sibling is also absorbed

어떠한 인접한 형제노드도 key를 하나이상 가지고 있지 않다면 1-key node는 이것의 부모로부터 키를 하나 가져온다. 그리고 형제노드는 흡수된다

3)    If the parent is the root and contains only one key, and the sibling contains only one key, then the current and the sibling contains only one key, then the current 1-key node, its 1-key sibling, and the 1-key root are fused into one 3-key node that serves as the new root

만약 부모노드가 root이고 오직 하나의 키만 가지고 있으면서 형제노드가 오직 하나의 키만 가지고 있다면, 그래서 현재노드와 형제노드가 오직 하나의 키만가지고 잇으면 현재의 1-key node와 이것의 1-key 형제노드 그리고 1-key root는 3-key node의 root로 융합된다.

To make sure that a key can be removed from a leaf without leaving it empty.

키는 leaf로 부터 제거될 수 있어야 하며 빈채로 놔둘 수 없음을 명심!

(제거는 항상 leaf에서만 가능 즉, 삭제할 노드를 leaf로 밀어줘야함)

수업시간에 썼던 필긴데 이해가 잘 가지 않는다!

그래서 펌!




여기가 더 잘되있는듯

'프로그래밍 > 자료구조' 카테고리의 다른 글

sorting  (0) 2016.12.18
Bionomial heap  (0) 2016.12.18
splay tree  (0) 2016.12.17
RedBlack tree  (0) 2016.12.17
가볍게 보는 tree의 시간복잡도  (0) 2016.12.17

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