-      find the k-th smallest key in a list

** quickselect(index j)


-      modification of quicksort

-      θ(n) average-case time complexity

1.     start with an unsorted list I of n input items

2.     choose a pivot item v from I

3.     Partition I into unsorted lists I1, I2 and Iv like quicksort

4.     If (j<=|I1|){

Recursively find the item with index j in I1;

Return it;

}else if(j<=|I1|+|Iv|){

      Return the pivot v;


      Recursively find the item with index j-|I1|-|Iv| in I2;

      Return it;    


'프로그래밍 > 자료구조' 카테고리의 다른 글

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